Saturday 27 October 2018


Lessons I've picked up..

1. Your opinion of yourself is important. Are you proud of you? Did you do the right thing? Can you do more?
2. Things will hold you down. Let them all go. You WILL feel lighter. Clutter is just something you have to clean or dust.
3. If you have a child in your life, remember they will be watching. Be the best you and they will be better.
4. Watch the sun rise, drive somewhere out of the city lights to see the stars by yourself. Take a trip alone, even if it’s somewhere close. Watch the sun set in peace, quiet and find the peace within.
5. You have two jobs. One is to pay for your living. (to pay bills and to sustain yourself) However, your other job is what you do for a life. Find that and you’ll discover who you are why you are here.
6. Trust in yourself and what is happening. We may not know what is going on or why but I’ve seen things that have changed me and there is no going back.
7. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion. No matter how difficult the journey can get, I always give a moment of gratitude for all the positive moments in life.

Why don’t you share your life experiences? Moments that have changed you for the better, moments that have given you strength, moments that gave you gratitude and moments that have made you just a wee bit wiser.

Friday 19 October 2018


Back in 2012, when I started writing here I didn't know if I'd publish the blog to be public.  It's come from quite the start, where when sadness enveloped me and I didn't know where my life was going.  I figured at the very least, this would be a living story to pass on to my children so they would one day, understand who I was, how I became and where I left them.  I was on the verge of letting life go.  

After some time with a therapist, talking to friends and family, I discovered that the guilt I was carrying, wasn't my own.  That the fear I had come so familiar with, didn't control my life.  Like many, the egg shells I had walked on for so long, were about to be discarded and life as I knew it would be turned up side down, all within my control and choices.  

In 2015, I made a choice to change.  I made it so that not only could my children see who I had become from life's circumstances, but who I wanted them to see when I became an older woman.  Someone I wanted them to be proud of.  I dug myself out of a hole and repaired my own wounds.  I use to feel pity and now I feel pride.  I use to feel a lot of things that I don't know how to describe, but I know for certain they no longer exist and I am, a much different woman today because of my past.  As odd as it may sound, the struggles, they made me stronger, even when I couldn't see past the darkness. 

I've been recently re-reading a book that taught me quite a bit.. "Tuesdays with Morrie"  Today's chapter caught my breath and brought me back here to write.  
"sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel, and if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too - even when you 're in the dark.  Even when you're falling."
Why do I reference this?  When I choose to change my life and it's direction, I had to trust.  I trusted the friend who found us a home.  I trusted the stranger who bought the groceries for us, I trusted friends who offered a hand and I trusted myself.  

Life doesn't always just "happen" but it evolves.  We change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not.  It's too short to live it without eyes wide open, in my humble opinion.  Grasp it, take it and love it and trust.  

Thursday 11 October 2018

Be thankful

Recently, I was traveling on public transit, blessed with the ability to do so safely and while doing so, I have time to reflect.  I have become part of a larger community of kind and amazing coworkers. 

Their life experiences have been shared with me time and time again, while no one being saddened by them, knowing without the experience they may not be as grateful for the life’s they’ve lived.

With that, some may feel let down by a higher power that some have faith in. Feeling that perhaps they were forgotten. 

Let me tell you.. my love, you were never forgotten, in fact the experiences you've had were the ones that have guided you and have been part of the path you are on.  One day, you'll look back and see the strong person you've become because of all of the experiences life has given you.  

Don't be angry, be thankful.