Saturday 27 October 2018


Lessons I've picked up..

1. Your opinion of yourself is important. Are you proud of you? Did you do the right thing? Can you do more?
2. Things will hold you down. Let them all go. You WILL feel lighter. Clutter is just something you have to clean or dust.
3. If you have a child in your life, remember they will be watching. Be the best you and they will be better.
4. Watch the sun rise, drive somewhere out of the city lights to see the stars by yourself. Take a trip alone, even if it’s somewhere close. Watch the sun set in peace, quiet and find the peace within.
5. You have two jobs. One is to pay for your living. (to pay bills and to sustain yourself) However, your other job is what you do for a life. Find that and you’ll discover who you are why you are here.
6. Trust in yourself and what is happening. We may not know what is going on or why but I’ve seen things that have changed me and there is no going back.
7. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion. No matter how difficult the journey can get, I always give a moment of gratitude for all the positive moments in life.

Why don’t you share your life experiences? Moments that have changed you for the better, moments that have given you strength, moments that gave you gratitude and moments that have made you just a wee bit wiser.

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