Tuesday 21 August 2018

3 grateful moments

I spent the day today laying in bed today, due to a set back in my physical health.  Not to worry, just a slight cold that set in my chest which left me voiceless, to some, this would be relief (slightly smirking).  None the less, I spent the day letting my body recuperate and heal.   

While resting however, my mind wanders.  I would share with you moments of gratitude from this life in hopes that when you are feeling down, you find yours.

Gratitude moment one:

Recently, selling one of the two vehicles we drive in our home we've now become dependant on one between us both.  In this, myself feeling vulnerable, I begin to live again.  As I just digressed from the objective here, to share gratitude let me explain. 

To be given a moment of self discovery and faith again. 

Many moons ago, I gave my trust to another, it tore me apart.  Looking back now, even if it was a hard lesson to learn, it taught me to trust myself and to learn to trust others again.  

Going forward on this, I've been taking the public transit to work.  This gives me the opportunity to see more.  The exposure is mind blowing.  

Gratitude moment two:

As I travel back and forth on public transit, I see kindness.  An abundance of it.  More than I had anticipated.  I've been given the moments to share it as well.  My faith in humanity is stronger now that it has ever been.  Bus drivers helping the ones who need it by offering free rides, hands and words of encouragement.  Truly, this is breath taking when one witnesses it.  

I may not be comfortable with chatting to everyone but when a moment comes, in breaths of kindness only, I speak my mind, hoping to encourage another to make a step towards faith of human kind, a better place.  I know it exists as I see it daily.

On to the next..

Where I work, my extended family (coworkers) are bloody amazing.  I mean, kick ass kind.  I've had a few jobs but this.. tops it all.  The common goal is to help.  I recently read the book "Braving the Wilderness" by Brene Brown she comments about belonging:
Gratitude moment three:

I've just reflected on my work place and extended family.  At this moment in life, I finally feel true belonging.  Being accepted and to be given the opportunity to grow with like minded people.  

Irrespective of how long this lasts (as we all know life changes) I feel at peace.  I've shared more, grown more and become more in the past few years than I could have ever imagined.  

I hope you do too.

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