Sunday 12 August 2018

Ubuntu - I am, because we are

I work at this amazing place, where my co-workers are blowing my mind.  Not only is the cause something that is close to my heart but the outcomes are substantial.  However, this isn't about where I work but those around me.  Because of them, I want to share with you something that is amazing.

Ubuntu - "When you are on your own, you are as good as an animal of the wild; when there are two of you, you form a community." 

I've often reflected on how I grew up, having the freedom to walk to my neighbours house and they would provide my 5 year old self with cookies & tea.  How a woman, I had never met, walked me over to the local mall and purchased me 3 pairs of shoes when I had none.  How teachers guided me, kindness was given to me as I developed and how even, in some of my darkest hours, I still grew to be a strong, loving and forgiving woman.  

At times, we reflect on the moments that could have torn us, to see how they have given us the air to fly upon.  It was with the love, encouragement and at times, discipline from others that we gain our strength.  

Ubuntu - I am, because we are.  

Thank you for my beautiful coworker for sharing this with me.  It will be something I hold close for the rest of my days.  

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