Wednesday 28 February 2018

Take time to get to the peak and then..

No matter the challenges that we face daily, perspective will help gage the hard moments in life.

Life's paths that have tossed me are the ones I've either tried to climb or given up.  When I'm doubting I come to a fork in the path.  

Do I left fear take over, freeze me in my path and stop me from moving forward?

Do I pull up my socks and walk further up the path to the peak of the mountain.

Listen to me..

I've faced the tough times, in court as a young lady to those who have taken time from me, I've spoken my truth to those who thought they could bully me trying their best to dictate who I should be and not accept me for who I am.  I've hit the restart button on life, while rebuilding my faith completely blind.  

What I've not done?  

I've not given up.  Life is short.  

Live it, love it.  

No matter what is going on, when you are ready to walk past that moment, when you are willing to face your fears.  When you look back..

You'll see this.
Now, get some rest and when the doubt starts to set in..  Look back and see what you've done and take a deep breath.  The journey may take away your breath at times but you'll be stronger because of it.  

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