Sunday 4 March 2018

How to apologize

I've been struggling on how to write this as it's been in my head and heart for a wee bit.

Something that "Canadians" do frequently, tossing the word around without thinking of the meaning, feeling that it makes all our indiscretions acceptable.  

It doesn't.

Hell, let's not make this about a nation and be honest.  

Saying "I'm sorry" doesn't make things matter where you are from.

It won't absolve you nor will it turn back time to before things happened.

There are two areas I want to cover on this.

Apologizing and accepting an apology.

When you do something that clearly hurts another, apologize.  Make things right by being EXACT.

"I'm sorry I said that." or  "I'm sorry I did this."

BE sincere and exact.  Pin point what you know is true, and be accountable.  Own your error, make good on your apology and change to be a better person.  Not just for the other person, for you. 

When someone chooses to do something that hurts you and they reach out to apologize, accept it.  


Learn how to accept it.  You won't move forward without this.  I promise. 

Saying, "It's okay" when responding to an apology doesn't help the other person.  In fact, it makes the behaviour okay and they will be more likely to repeat it.  

Tell them why you are hurt, let them know you've accepted their apology and close the door by simply acknowledging it and saying "thank you"  

If you want to know that I've done this..

Yes I have.

I've apologized to my kids, my friends and family.  

I've said to them directly that I was sorry for an action or reaction.  I've held their hands, looked into their eyes and said those words. (when possible)  I've also asked them for forgiveness and expressed that it wouldn't happen again.  

What I've wanted is that we learn to be stronger, better people.  To learn how to move forward from an error, to learn from them and to accept them.  After all, we are all human..

Aren't we?

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