Monday 19 February 2018

Finding your tribe

With a large life change, I've found out which tribe I belong to.  

Let me explain.

Through good times and rough ones, the tribe you belong to is the one who can tell you exactly how it is, knowing you'll hang around and listen.  Those know you best will feel safe to tell you the straight truth.  Why?  They know you trust them.  

Other opportunities to find more about your tribe are good ones.  They will lift you, encourage you, challenge you and love you unconditionally, without expectation.

It's not hard to weed the "other" ones out.  

Look at their motives.  

Do they always ask, hand out looking for a benefit for just themselves?  Do they whisper doubts in your ear or whisper negative things about you to others?  Do they tell you that you can't, won't and shouldn't?  Those are the ones you stop at your front door and deny entry into your life.  

I've discovered my tribe through peaks and valleys.  I love my tribe and have this unconditional, undying love for them.  Even if, at times they don't understand me, they love me the same in return.  

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