Wednesday 8 November 2017

Believe in yourself

Each breath I've been given, each one in, each one out, I am grateful for.  This means not only am I alive, however given the opportunity to make a difference in not only my life, but the opportunity to be the difference of anothers.  

It's simply a choice, albeit it, some days more difficult as those fears and doubts sneak into my heart or head, make me question things that shouldn't be.  These Irrational and hurtful thoughts are nothing but a block in which, most of us deal with daily, even if we choose not to admit it.  

That battle, is a seed that was planted by stumbles, in which we thought we were incapable of getting up from.  That we felt, it was easier to let the fear pull us down further losing the light that gave us the first bit of inspiration.  To let go, fall and forget about our passions.


The breath that enters our lungs, the sunrise at the beginning of the day and the feeling we get when the day starts again, knowing we have another moment to start over.  The hardest step is the one forward, working towards a better today.  I'll admit that working towards something can be very hard.  However, don't they say that nothing good comes easy.  
I ask you, to take every moment that you are given and make something with it.  Perhaps not at this moment, but when you are ready.  Try.  It becomes contagious.  Whatever "it" is, give it all you can in this moment.  Tomorrow will be easier, I promise.  Like taking a walk when you've not done much, each step seems difficult but the next time, it will be easier.  You'll become more comfortable, you will believe in yourself a bit more each time.  

Before you know it, that change you started will come to fruition.  


In yourself.  

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