Sunday 3 September 2017

Your 3 loves

In a multifaceted society, we want others to have the same perspective as we do, yet each of us holds our own differently by our experience.  

For example..

A woman who has chosen to live a life in a direction that she sees fit, may not be one that society believes, is.  

A child who choses a path they are happiest with, may not be one that a parent would have chosen for them when their birth arrived.  

My point is, we cannot gage success or normalcy based on what others perspective is.  

Here's my input.. right or wrong.

I've come to see that how I choose to live my life, if I am happy then it's right for me.  At this moment in time.  I'll be blessed if I have the support of those around me that I respect and love, however if not, I have learnt to be okay with that too.  In the end, my decisions are that.  

My values on love, from what I've learnt are these.  (take from it what you may, it was a life I've lived and from this, my values have come.)

1. Love truthfully.  

When I say this, I want you to understand that you need to love yourself truthfully.  Every morning, walk up and look in the mirror.  Acknowledge who you are physically, spiritually and emotionally.  Be okay with that moment.  Be ready for change and accept the challenge that goes alone with those changes, then, with acceptance, work hard.  Love every moment truthfully.  

1. Love unconditionally. 

When you love someone, what is the purpose?  I ask this as many believe when they love someone, it's for themselves.  The other person fills a need, and it's usually for your needs.  However, have you loved someone as they are, without expectations or limitations?  Without feeling that you will benefit from them being in your life?  Giving without wanting anything in return from them.  Take a moment and see what you are giving and not what you are wanting.  Someone shouldn't complete you, rather, you are okay enough to love them without a need to fulfill.  In turn, this love you receive will be the greatest.

3. Love honestly.

Saying that, I want you to know that loving honestly doesn't mean hurting someone when you speak truths but loving honestly enough with yourself that you know your limits.  You can love someone who can be abusive but your limit on loving them shouldn't be at the risk of a life.  You should try and always be honest, revisit those terms and stand your ground, no matter how shaky it may seem.  
Success, should not be measured by a stick, a book or a box that was designed by one person for one person.  This is like trying to put a circle in a square.  They don't work and perhaps never will.  Be you.  Be your strong, confident person you were given life for.  

Through the value of life, you must value yourself.  Give to yourself the worth you are, and then, live it truthfully, unconditionally and honestly.  These things will come back to you when you start to open up to the possibility that you are perfectly you.  

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