Monday 4 September 2017

It's what you give..

When you've been facing something terrifying, take a moment to recognize that you, are facing something terrifying.  Something you didn't want to or believe you could face.    

I want you to know that no matter what someone gives you, it's something you can take.  You are capable of changing the outcome and making a difference in not only you life, a life of another. 

When I started to volunteer at Hope Mission, downtown Edmonton, Alberta, I went to lose myself.  Among those who didn't know me.  I went to do what I knew best, be in the service of another.  

Not that I'm tooting my horn, that I've always gave, heck as a young woman I wanted more than I was given.  As many young adults do.  

That being said, I learnt that expecting something without giving, was the first lesson.  I had to figure this out on my own, without my grandmothers or mothers guidance.  Gram would tell me, "There is no better way to feel youthful than being in the service of another", mum taught me that what I learn from giving is something that can not be taught in any institution.  
So I ran away to lose myself at Hope Mission, helping others that needed more than me.  Even if I had to go to the food bank to feed my son and I, budget even the gas I used to and from work, I needed to do something to help me see what I had.  

I may have been faced with a life change, bigger than I thought I was capable of but I did it.  In the process, I showed my kids an abundance of things.. At least I hope I did.

Have faith.  In yourself and in others.

Believe.  It will be okay and will work out. 

Trust.  The path you've chosen is the right one for YOU.

Give.  It doesn't matter how little you have to give, do it anyhow.  Even the smallest acts of kindness, in service make a difference.

Don't give up.  Move forward.  Because moving backwards never heals.  Lose yourself when you are in search of yourself and you'll discover more than you ever thought possible.  
A funny end note.  I met someone just over a year ago.  One of our first dates was to Hope Mission.  I wanted to see what type of heart they had.  The response proved to me what I wanted in a partner.  I am full of gratitude daily for making the choice to be around people who are like minded.  

Enjoy the link to one of the songs on my inspiration list. 

*Please feel free to comment on the blog, I'd love to hear feedback!

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