Thursday 21 September 2017

When you are ready to refill

In this life, I see many ups and downs.  Some, I can have control over or better yet stating, input on the outcome.

I have made comments about my children, who have been the core of my existence but tend to forget about the one that I need most.  Myself.  I  need to make sure that I am able to be happy, strong and healthy for them and even my partner.  

In order to be those things with myself, I get up and reflect on the previous days opportunities and what lays ahead of me.  What can I do to make things better?  I acknowledge that it has to start with myself.  No matter what I see in the mirror, I have to work with.  No matter the inner battles I have going on, I need to reconcile them daily.  

Did I make a good choice as a human, a parent or a partner?  Did I make someone feel down or put them in a position that I wouldn't want to be in or did I help raise them up to feel confident to make a decision to make their lives better?  How can I make today more successful than yesterday?  

It's always a choice.  

Today, I found myself creating a quote that I will reflect on daily.  

"I don't see the cup as half full or half empty, I see the possibility to refill it when I'm ready."  

I cannot control what another will do with their time, words or actions but it's my reaction that I will hold myself accountable for.  With that said, I will respond when I'm good and ready.  
Go and take care of yourself.  Believe things will become better by the choices you make and your reactions you must learn to hold yourself accountable for.  

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