Tuesday 19 September 2017

My beliefs

Let me get something straight.  

I do not follow any faith other than my personal experiences.  

What do I know?

Kindness is a general aspect of my life.  I give without expecting anything in return.  Although, they say to treat others with the expectation that it will be returned.  That's not always the truth but I know this.    

Faith is something I've been exposed to my entire life and until recently, I didn't see how having some gave me more than I anticipated.  I believe things will be okay, regardless of the situation we are in.  I have seen low times but in those low moments, I still have gratitude and in the darkness, the light will reappear.  

This leads me to Gratitude.  Every day, when I get up I write in a book that was given to me a few years back, a few words, thoughts and reflections of what I have.  They aren't possessions but moments.  I am grateful for the rain, for my breath, for my mind and for my soul.  I am grateful for my children, for those who love me and mostly, for each opportunity I am given to give back.

Do not discount the small things in life.  Kindness, faith and gratitude are the things that I can keep, give away or reflect on that make the day worth another step forward.  

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