Saturday 30 September 2017

Being a parent

To any of you thinking of having a child or to those who have already started..

They are not a possession or yours forever. 

They are part of you but giving birth does not give you the rights to do with them what you choose, or when it’s convenient.  To give birth, life, to another soul is the biggest responsibility of yours.

If you make the next choice to raise them, you must  do so with full consciousness, knowing that what ever actions, or reactions you have will be affecting them for years. Essentially, this life you are bringing into our world is a blank canvas and you are the artist. It seems quite overwhelming but take a step back for a moment.

This gives an opportunity to be aware of yourself.  No longer seeing life through a tunnel that circles around you.  As it is no longer black and white and in this moment you realize you have to step up into the role of the care giver and stop being the receiver.  Yep, you may actually want to head fully in front of imminent danger for another’s life. That’s what happens.

My mind shifted that way over 26 years ago.  The tough part though?  When I had let my kids choose on their own (even if I thought I knew better, or if I felt like being that protective momma who wanted so badly to run, jump and protect), I knew I had to learn to trust that I have given the kids the right tools to build with.

I’m not talking, building a house, rather saying, the tools to stand strong in moments where their values were pushed and their beliefs where questioned.  I talk to them as much as they allow me, letting them know I love and accept them completely and ensuring they can trust me 100% so that when the time comes, I’ll be here to catch them again, if needed.

Remember, being a parent isn’t about you and your needs.  You choose to give life to another. Your job is to help paint this amazing portrait of a human.  Then, one amazing day, they ask you for the brushes to finish the job you started.

That’s when you know ... it will be okay.

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