Thursday 12 October 2017

You are the fire

Trust me.  This is what they said when she was 10.  

Trust me.  This is what he was told when lead astray.  

Trust me.  This is what he said to her when the door closed behind him.

We all put trust in another, blindly, confidently and with hope that it will lead to something good.  That's not always the case.  

How do we negate the power of another when it's so carelessly taken away from us?  

I would like to say, it's partly to do with how we react.

I've stated in my past blog posts, this is the one thing we have control over.  It can be THE most difficult thing you will choose to do but make it presently, completely and with conviction.  

If you choose to walk away from someone who broke your trust, then do so, knowing you've put yourself first. 

If you choose to say how you feel when you don't feel it's right, then do so, confidently, with self respect.  

If you choose to be brave enough to tell another, then do it without fear, doubt and mostly, for your own self preservation.  

Your future self will thank you.  

Trust yourself, believe that things will work out.  Know that it will be hard but know that you are paving a path for someone later in life that may follow you and see what an amazing, kind, loving, whole hearted and beautiful person you are.  

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