Friday 16 June 2017

Where fear and doubt belong

you know that wee voice of doubt in your head?  You know, the one constantly knocking at every opportunity?  It's part of a bigger thing called fear and that itself has killed more dreams than you know of. It's something that should be locked away, yet we keep giving it another chance. 

Fear can cripple the most powerful by putting the wrong ideas into ones head, by guiding one to make a poor decision or a harsh reaction. Together fear and doubt can crush souls, destroy relationships and diminish the value of anything that you care for.  

What can you do to avoide fear and doubt?  For starters, write things down. Put what you are feeling on paper or in digital. Whatever you do, start with writing. Document your feelings then take a walk, a rest, a hot bath, just take a break. 

Return to the written document no sooner than 24 hours. Read it in peace, alone and out loud. Hear your voice and make how you felt real. Own it completely. 

Now rewrite it. Don't delete it or throw your original copy away but simply rewrite it as you see it today. Did your perspective change?  How do you feel?  

Take a deep breath and let it go. Rip it up or tuck it away. Regardless, do not keep it in front of you. 

Use these same principles in your every day life. Give fear and doubt that 24 hour rule. If it still seems doubtful or causes you fear then you'll need to go further. Just start here.

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