Tuesday 6 June 2017

Resetting your thoughts

After hitting the reset button almost two years ago with some of my personal relationships, I've discovered how to label many thoughts in my mind. Mostly for the sake of keeping my mental state balanced, which it seems, in the past wasn't always the case as I wouldn't face the many challenges, rather in simple terms, place my head in sand to avoid the truth. Feeling scattered, stressed and unrested.  

I've learnt to feel the calmness in facing and conquering the same challenges albeit not always as successful as I'd want, I still face the challenge. 

We all have a picture in our heads of who we are, so let's visit that for a wee moment. 

You are reflecting on the past, perhaps painful and challenging. Did you feel valued?  Did you feel shame?  Is that person you see, small and unable?  Curled in a ball in the corner?  

If that's the case, take a moment to dig a bit further in a positive way.  That person you were may not have felt valued and carried shame for years however, that person survived. Regardless of how, they did. Now revisit that image. Are they still small, unable and curled in the corner or do you see that small person standing proudly, with a grin with a feeling of accomplishment?  

For every step we take, we choose to see the adversity or the successes. Those moments will help us either move forward or stay in the present.  

Take a moment to take inventory in your life, the experiences and label them.  Then turn them each into positive moments. You don't have to do them all at once, just start like this..

"When I was 6, we had a puppy that ran away as I left the gate open.  A day later, she returned.  I was very upset with myself for not being responsible."

While you owned it, you never forgave yourself. The shame from this may linger in your subconscious telling you how incapable or irresponsible you are.  This is where you stop growing.  Take a step back and tell yourself you made the mistake, (owning it) then make the change to remember to close the gate. 

Congrats!  You've just moved forward. You've taken a mistake, learnt from it and made it positive.  Use every opportunity to grow and become a stronger, more confident person. If you choose to let the shame linger, you will remain stuck.

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