Friday 2 June 2017

Discovering your mountain

As I hunker down on my daily tasks, I reflect on the past years, not only my own but others that have been closest to me.  When I started to write, I wanted to encourage and inspire my own children, in the process finding myself.  

It was by utter surprise when I stumbled a few times, that each moment I would dust myself off, pull myself back up that I'd find more inspiration inside.  

We all keep searching for the one thing that brings meaning to our lives, to tell ourselves and the world, "This is why I'm here" and some of us, perhaps by luck, find it.  Truly though, going day to day with our heads down and back ends up working, providing and living for another we lose ourselves.  Then, years later we wake up from the daily grind and ask "Where has time gone?"  We look in the mirror and see someone we forgot about.  

Have you noticed when life events happen, blame is the first thing we throw and forget to not only at times, to take accountability but to see why it happened?  

A lost relationship, a lost job or a lost ..

Are they really a loss or are they something to help us find the right direction, to head in and make the change to find ourselves again, to reinvent perhaps?  Risk is a fear we use as our largest road block.  

I've often read that public speaking is our biggest fear.  Why?  Because we are risking taking the moment to put our selves out there completely, making us accountable in the present, completely vulnerable.  

I personally live life as transparent as possible.  Although I feel at times, less capable of some tasks at hand, I'll be open and honest.  I suppose that's why I love public speaking.  I am open to that risk but inside, terrified of failing myself.  I know what I am capable of, and slowly am building that mountain I need to conquer by placing each pebble, each rock in places so I can climb it and say, "Here I am".  Now it's your turn.

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