Friday 5 May 2017

What I'd give

With all the life changes that happen, I'll take a moment to reflect.  In clairity, without discrimination and with as much compassion I'd want to see returned.

Who's to say the choices another make are good or bad?  What landed them in the position they are in at this moment.   I'll my live life for what it is...

What I'd give to see another succeed or become a better person for themselves?  I know my heart is the first thing that would be surrendered and perhaps that isn't what most think is ideal but it's the truth.

It doesn't matter any more what someone else thinks of the choices I make, my path is that.. my path.  I'll choose what I feel is right, even if the consequences are tough to swallow.  It's not my place to pass judgement on another, all I need to know is that I'll lay down at night with the faith in myself that I've done something right.

So go forth, spread joy.  Give faith and trust that things will work out.  I cannot tell you that I've tossed myself into the wind over the past 2 years and how it's turned out.  I walk, with the sun warming my face and my heart.  I give without expectations and trust.  I won't waffle any longer from what I know is the truth.

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