Wednesday 26 April 2017

Your story

Recently, I've had to reflect on the journey I took in late 2015.  Although it was life changing, while I was in it, I didn't know how I could see today.  The future that is.  I had lost weight & hair in the process.  feeling like I lost control when in fact, I had done the opposite.  Doing the opposite of what I was told I could do.  I won't get into details about that but I will say, I discovered more than I anticipated.

What was it?  

I discovered myself.  My voice.  My strength.  My happiness.

Now talking with another, trying to help navigate the journey for another to take seems like a life time ago.  I am sitting on the sidelines silently cheering them on, hoping to be a source of strength and clear direction.  
I let them know that life happens and like a frog in water, boiling we do not notice the change until it's almost too late.  We adapt and accept.  While doing this, we risk loosing ourselves. 

Why do I say all this?  To encourage you to share your stories.  The simple fact that I've shared my story with a few and now I've been given the opportunity to give back.  I was shocked at my words when they came out but happier to be a source of information.  Being a source of strength.  

So, heed my words.  Share your story.  Help another find their journey to finding themselves, their voice, their strength and mostly, their happiness.  

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