Friday 14 April 2017

Speaking out loud

Accountability - for choices
Acceptance - of choices
Change - the ability to make things better 

Why did those words come to mind when I was speaking today?  It happened while I was in discussion about the actions of others.  

"An action was taken by another person that we feel is wrong.  Where it may not have hurt you or caused damage but it's what they've grown up with and perhaps don't know anything else."  

I gave this example..

Growing up, a child may live with a family who sees their skin type as the only thing acceptable or a gender that is less than another.  What opinions do you think that child may form?  Remember, in their eyes, it isn't wrong.   

We become aware of our own personal truths and are accountable for them.  Accepting the change that needs to happen and finally, the last step is change.  We are all capable of making a change in our thought process but until we start with being accountable, we cannot accept change. 

I closed off the conversation with these 2 things, that I was taught as a child.

1. If you are blind or def, how can you tell what they look or sound like?
2. If we are cut, do we not bleed the same?

Changing the past starts with ourselves.  

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