Saturday, 11 February 2017

Value that holds no monetary status

Time and time again, I'll find myself in a moment where my thoughts would be best written here.  I have to chuckle though, as those thoughts come when I'll be at the least opportune moments that a pen or keyboard are not available.  Thus, my posts can be a bit scattered when I finally sit at this desk.

Which brings me to this.  

The events that have unfolded this past day, week, month & year have ran through my head, most recently due to my birthday.

I'll sum it to value.  

In the past, being much younger than I am now, I would place value in how I saw something, what I held or how others saw me.  As you know, when we age, we experience life and learn that value isn't something one can hold but something one feels.  

The value in another, the value in ourselves.  

It no longer matters what I hold as I know it will fade away.  I no longer hold value in what another may think of my choice in actions as it has no power, thus no value.  I dare to choose who I am, not with reckless abandon but with pride, knowing they are my own with the value I put to them. 

The value of life alone is priceless... the value of the love from another, cannot be bought, borrowed or stolen.  It is, and always will be something, given from choice with trust and love.  This is what I've found this year.  That value holds no monetary status but one of unconditional love, support and understanding.  

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