Thursday 23 February 2017

This moment

Live in this very moment.  

Be as present as possible and with as much gratitude.  If you don't, the worries of tomorrow and the regret of yesterday will weigh you down and keep your mind going at 2 am.  

Live truthfully.

Stop denying what is happening.  Start facing the truths, no matter what they are.  Good or bad.  If you aren't being authentic with yourself, doubt will creep into your mind with everything that is around you.  Guilt will tear you down faster than anyone or thing ever could.

Give with gratitude.

Don't look for what's owed to you.  Nothing is and life will only happen when you decide to take control.  What is around you & who is in your life.  If you don't like it, then change it.  Start giving without any expectations and you'll see things change.  I'm not talking about physically but what's inside you, it's called perspective.

Take time for yourself.

Read.  Walk.  listen to your heart.  Love yourself as you are.  We aren't here for long so enjoy the moments alone and the quiet that surrounds you.  It's an amazing thing!  

Share your story.

Our lives are connected more than you know.  We all are on a journey in life and when we see that others are living in a similar pattern, we feel connected.  It helps the rough times feel easier, it helps us understand what we are going through and teaches us empathy.  

So live, in this moment.  Love this moment.  Be grateful for this moment.  Be authentic to yourself and above all, love who you are.  

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