Friday, 3 February 2017

Finding your purpose

Many times over the course of my life, I've asked or have been asked this question, that until now, I couldn't answer.  

What is my purpose in life?

Was I to be a mum?  To be a sister?  An aunt?  That defines me as a person perhaps by relation.  I ask myself daily though, why am I here?

Life has a funny way of showing you things as you live.  Let me say that again, LIFE has a funny way of showing you what you need to do when you live.  

Living isn't just about the air you inhale, the food your body needs for fuel or the clothing on your back to keep you warm.  I'm talking about the experiences that have shaped you or will shape you.  

Our journeys we travel will be part of who we are or will become.  Good or bad, easy or hard, they are in our lives to teach us, to make us stronger.  This is what defines us.  

What is our purpose?  

To take what has defined us, what has made us stronger to show others how to overcome what we have.  

The survivor shows another how to become.

The lost shows another how to find their way home.

Whatever you are facing in life right now, don't feel it's the end.  Don't give up.  There will be a solution to this, it is your task to search for the answer and then..

Give it purpose.  Give yourself purpose.  

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