Tuesday 1 November 2016

A blank page

Each day, we wake with a blank page to write on. 

Before you plant your base on the ground, open those eyes and take a moment to take it in.  Inhale your first breath of the day and make a choice to paint the blank page with what you want it to become.  

The most important journey we will take is the one for ourselves.  Know that, all of us are going through a similar journey, a journey to find our truth, who we are and what makes us happy.  

Plant your feet firmly on the ground and make the choice to live with each moment you make.  From the first words muttered out through your lips, to the ears of the person who hears them.  

Start to say no, but yes for what you stand for.  Be true to yourself, not the one who tries to paint you for who they think you should be.  Stand your ground and celebrate what life means to you.  To create, to feel valued, to love and to change.  Celebrate your authentic self because every night, you go to sleep with who you truly are.  

Go ahead, paint that blank page the colors you want.

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