Friday 4 November 2016

A simple glance

I don't know what else to say.  Every day, I am asked; "How do you find happiness?"  and I can't explain what I've been given.  

I suppose I've read that those who go through tough moments in life, learn to love the smallest of gestures.  I don't know how to compare my past journeys to another but I do know the ones I've travelled on have given me the strength to see a brighter side in life.  

I've not experienced a war but I've experienced emotional bombs and explosions.  I've not experienced the life of a prisoner but I have been locked away with my fears and doubts.  I've not experienced famine but I've experienced a life without love.  I've not experienced homeless but I've felt alone.

We all go through the toughest of times, of fear and anger.  One of resentment and hostility.  Those emotions, I never want to feel again.  

I've also seen the brighter side of life.  I've seen a smile creep across one that has nothing when we've made eye contact.  I've hugged a soul that desperately needed to feel loved.  I've given my time to another when they felt nothing was left.  

What I've asked for in return?  Nothing.  What have I spent?  Not a dime.  What's made me happy?  Knowing that a small gesture has given someone a wee bit of hope after a long, tough go at it.  Even if, just for a moment.  So what have I invested to make my life better?  Simply put, I've invested the most valuable commodity I hold dearest to me.  My time.  I've only received the most valuable thing in return.  Love, appreciation and acceptance.  What have I needed all my life?  Exactly those 3 things.  What makes me happiest?  Knowing that, without costing me a dime, I give.  Completely and without regret.  

I cannot tell you how to find your happiness, you have to find it.  

I've let things go in life, that I refuse to give the most valuable possession to.  My time.  I'll give it to another who, without expecting gives back by a simple glance. 

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