Saturday 24 September 2016

No "I" in Team

While I have been a team manager off and on my youngest child's hockey team years, I picked up many lessons that have changed me as a person.  

"No I in team

This is a very strong statement, one that can not only be used in sporting events, group get togethers but mostly in your daily life.  I will reflect on this towards relationships.  Although writing here, at times I find articulating my feelings in life can be difficult.  Past experiences have hindered how I can communicate and it's a daily challenge.  

Teams are in relationships more often than we recognize.  I will say for sure that words such as "I", me and mine" can throw me through a loop.  When you are friends or partners in life, there should be none of that.  Communication is key to learning about others, listening being the most important.  

I cannot stress enough, to make a relationship work you need to listen more than you talk.  Words cut much further and can change the direction in which you want to go.  When you are caught in a moment of frustration, don't use words but take a few moments and reflect.  Focus on the good, look towards something that can be amazing and try your best to hear, truly hear what the other is saying.  Then respond with kindness.  Try to see the others perspective and let your hurt go.  

Anything in life that causes anger, is destructive and this is the last emotion I will ever allow in my life.  So, don't live life with the " I , me or mine", live it as a "we, us and ours" This is what builds a strong and healthy team.  


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