Sunday 18 September 2016

Have faith

Some days are harder than others.  Faith can be taken away by a simple breath, a word or an action.  It's difficult to believe that tomorrow can be better but you have to have faith.  

Not everyone has the best of intention for you, for others.  The key is to keep having faith in yourself.  Stay strong to you, your values and your beliefs.  What others do, well it's simply their choice.  You cannot change them or make one do what you want.  

Just be truest to you.  

I cannot always have faith in another.  It's difficult to know this but it's the simple truth.  

My simple rules in life though?  I'll give everyone a fair shift.  

You know, I'll trust you, be kind and give you my all.  It may hurt me at times when things change and you choose to do or say something but, in the end, I can say I've done my best and I can live with my choices.  I know for certain that I learn from each opportunity, good or bad.  I'll just not give it more than a second chance.  After that, I know it's just not to be.  

If you are struggling with giving trust, just take a step forward.  Don't worry about the possible pain or anguish.  Just go for it and see where the leap takes you.  My friend Danielle keeps telling me, "sometimes, the risk is worth the reward."  

I sure hope she's right.

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