Tuesday 30 August 2016

Great changes

I've stepped away from writing lately as I've been wonderfully preoccupied.  Things sometimes happen that catch you off guard, always when you least expect it.  For this, I am grateful.  

When we get lost in life, a simple change can make more difference than you know, more than you can be prepared for.  Then, the what if's enter your mind.  Positive or otherwise, it's time to throw caution to the wind and just breathe.

Could this be, in fact the best thing that has happened in your life?  What if.. the moment that catches you off guard is the thing that was missing all due to the small distractions weighing you down?  Are you willing to let chance pass or grasp the moment and jump with both feet?

Perhaps it's time to look up and start taking notice of the things around you, the people who are looking for a simple moment without knowing it.  This can possibly turn into something more than you anticipate.  Regardless of the outcome, let your fears pass and just go with it.

Life can create chaos when you don't want it but when the storm passes, you'll see what it was here for.  

Thursday 11 August 2016

Just be yourself

Happiness, having fun and being yourself are keys to success in life.  When you are surrounded by those who love you, they will accept you for who you are, completely.  

If we start to doubt ourselves, we shed our skins to become what others think is best.  Someone we are not.  Trying to live in the "box" that others feel we should be and that, is wrong.  

When we come into this big world, family and friends will dictate to you what they think you should be.  Starting from religion to what you wear, how you view others and where you might go.  Sometimes, what others feel is best for you can actually suffocate you.  

The key is to grow up trying to shed the skin of others and learning to be comfortable in your own.  Develop your own thoughts, key values and beliefs.  Even if it upsets the ones you are surrounded by.  If they love you enough, they will support your choice.    

Don't forget that those values and beliefs, if you have a single doubt then perhaps they aren't the ones best for you.  Re-evaluate them and try another.  Keep on trying.  Don't stop learning about who YOU are.  Then, when you are finally at the point that you feel good, hold fast to yourself and walk forward, confidently onto the next task, the bigger challenge.  Don't ever stop learning or growing.  

God knows, I won't stop and that makes me happiest. 

On a last note, if my youngest can teach me this then I know I'll never stop learning.  How someone wanted to find success and sought out a guru who had it.  They wanted to know what the key to this was. The guru told him in the end, success is something you want more than life itself, you have to fight for it like you fight to breathe.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Go and be busy

Volunteering at the local Ronald McDonald house

Redirecting life can be a challenge in itself but knowing what you need to keep along the journey and what you need to let go can be tougher.  

I've been told my a few people that I can't sit still.  As in, I am out and about many times.  I suppose it bothers some that I keep busy.  

Enjoying the sun and park with a wee friend

You can picture my face squished up, looking at them wondering, "You think something is wrong with ME?" 
Preparing for a surprise water balloon fight

They say that I'm busy like it's a BAD thing.  Woah.  Who ever said having a sedentary life is good?  

Walking with my best friend, Abby in our river valley

My grandmother always told me to keep busy and ANY job is a good job.  No matter what you do, each position is as important as the other and to respect everyone in a company.  (I'm nodding as I type this) 

Okay, I've spent the past week or so keeping busy, and it's been amazing.  I haven't laughed or felt this happy in a long time.  Most of it, not costing me anything.  

Sharing my not so famous Bacon Chocolate Chip cookies!

On route to work at the local carnival 
Making breakfast with my youngest

Giving tours to our first school built in 1881

Before you jump on the "slow down band wagon", I already know life needs balance. I've actually stayed home today, spent some time doing laundry, chilling with Abby and a visits with mum and dad.  I wrote, had a nap and caught up on a few necessary things.  We all know, life is about balance.  Don't eat all those cookies at once!

Exploring downtown Edmonton
My point here is this.  Go.  Live life.  Completely.  Take advantage of every opportunity to do something.  Happiness is something you can create.  

Thursday 4 August 2016

Just breathe

Often, I'll wake up in a panic thinking I need something.  

I'll need peace of mind, heart and soul mostly.  There isn't anything out there that I can hold which gives me each of those things.  

I drive or walk to gain perspective on life when they weight me down.  They, as in when my mind heart and soul are stirring.  As I walk, I pay close attention to every little detail that lays ahead.  The things behind me?  I tend to try and forget.  Those are best where they lay.

I see ahead of me the leaves on trees that bloomed after a long winters nap, with the harshest of bitter cold, wind blowing through the branches without an ounce of protection.  I see the grass, growing, reaching towards the warmth of the sun.  I'll smell the flowers that have bloomed, I hear the songs each bird sings and feel the freedom of the breeze blow on my face.  With all this, I gain perspective for my mind, heart and soul so I can rest my body at the end of every day.  So I can love each thing that I have, no matter how small.  I learn to walk towards something better and let what lays behind me where it belongs.  

Take a moment to look up, forward and beyond what you know.  Take a long, deep breath of fresh air and live in this very moment.