Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Great changes

I've stepped away from writing lately as I've been wonderfully preoccupied.  Things sometimes happen that catch you off guard, always when you least expect it.  For this, I am grateful.  

When we get lost in life, a simple change can make more difference than you know, more than you can be prepared for.  Then, the what if's enter your mind.  Positive or otherwise, it's time to throw caution to the wind and just breathe.

Could this be, in fact the best thing that has happened in your life?  What if.. the moment that catches you off guard is the thing that was missing all due to the small distractions weighing you down?  Are you willing to let chance pass or grasp the moment and jump with both feet?

Perhaps it's time to look up and start taking notice of the things around you, the people who are looking for a simple moment without knowing it.  This can possibly turn into something more than you anticipate.  Regardless of the outcome, let your fears pass and just go with it.

Life can create chaos when you don't want it but when the storm passes, you'll see what it was here for.  

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