Sunday, 7 August 2016

Go and be busy

Volunteering at the local Ronald McDonald house

Redirecting life can be a challenge in itself but knowing what you need to keep along the journey and what you need to let go can be tougher.  

I've been told my a few people that I can't sit still.  As in, I am out and about many times.  I suppose it bothers some that I keep busy.  

Enjoying the sun and park with a wee friend

You can picture my face squished up, looking at them wondering, "You think something is wrong with ME?" 
Preparing for a surprise water balloon fight

They say that I'm busy like it's a BAD thing.  Woah.  Who ever said having a sedentary life is good?  

Walking with my best friend, Abby in our river valley

My grandmother always told me to keep busy and ANY job is a good job.  No matter what you do, each position is as important as the other and to respect everyone in a company.  (I'm nodding as I type this) 

Okay, I've spent the past week or so keeping busy, and it's been amazing.  I haven't laughed or felt this happy in a long time.  Most of it, not costing me anything.  

Sharing my not so famous Bacon Chocolate Chip cookies!

On route to work at the local carnival 
Making breakfast with my youngest

Giving tours to our first school built in 1881

Before you jump on the "slow down band wagon", I already know life needs balance. I've actually stayed home today, spent some time doing laundry, chilling with Abby and a visits with mum and dad.  I wrote, had a nap and caught up on a few necessary things.  We all know, life is about balance.  Don't eat all those cookies at once!

Exploring downtown Edmonton
My point here is this.  Go.  Live life.  Completely.  Take advantage of every opportunity to do something.  Happiness is something you can create.  

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