Tuesday 28 June 2016

Blind faith without regrets

I would love to tell you that I knew what I was doing when "signing up" to parent.  It is correct to say, that I've read a lot of parenting books and learnt how to become more understanding, compassionate and open minded in the process.  

Not one person can tell you exactly how to parent your child or even how to help one do the daunting task of helping grow this amazing human being into something with the ability to be amazing.

I'm not talking about a garden, although it isn't a bad idea to teach them how both physically and metaphorically, you reap, you sow.  Lesson #1  Both for the parent and for the child.  Until we actually accept the simple fact our children will be a product of their environment.  I started to see this with Michael, my first son.  It's never intentional, how we start off as parents, this is just my personal opinion.  How can we know what to do and of course, when.  The keys are to open your eyes to their responses.  Sometimes, not a choice but we will see it.  

Yell at a child, they will not learn patience or more importantly, how to listen.  It starts off rough, somedays, truthfully you may want to throw in the towel, thinking.. what have I done? Then, out of the blue something amazing happens.  Something you did awhile ago, gave them the key to do what you needed to see.  A bright light, a spark, fueled by what you did. Those are the priceless moments you won't soon forget. 

This past weekend, my youngest, Arthur joined me in helping out at an event.  I watched him not only laugh in the moment while pitching in with his ability to speak confidently, listen and provide what was needed.  While I've found passion in giving back, not only for others but for the sake of mind, I've found the example given has been priceless.  

If I leave this world today, I won't leave with regrets.  I know that both my children, the biggest investment in life to date have the ability to not only participate in life but give back before asking for anything.  To put in without expectations of returns.  Life isn't about what you get from it, life is about what you give.  

Parenting with blind faith has been a major key to the success of their's.  I do what I know is right, which is fueling a spark that is deep within both my kids.  

Sunday 19 June 2016

What my father is..

For all the years past, the present moments and the ones to come, I thank the one constant man who has proven, love is unconditional.  

From a young age, he wanted to be part of my life.  Standing beside me, even when he wasn't with me.  Knowing now, I was never far from his thoughts.  As a young teen, he was around more often, showing me how to be a strong young woman.  From cooking, saving a dime, showing me the value of spending time together, the power of a hug, a kind word, strength in silence, how to change the oil in my car and replacing a flat tire.  To be silly and laugh, to listen and respond, how to hear music and to sing with my heart.  To love completely and most importantly, to let go. 

My father, can say "I love you" with a single glance, not a word exchanged.  Although, I'll tell him each time I see him while we hug, I don't let go until I hear him say the words back.  

He watched me try to emulate him, proudly the words of encouragement would come from time to time, when needed and he knows when those moments are needed.  

For the things he didn't do..

He didn't show me disrespect, discourage or put me down, he didn't make me feel small. Dad didn't say yes to all the things I wanted but gave me what I needed.  He didn't break my heart or discount my worries.  

To all the fathers who spend countless hours worrying about their children.  Wanting only the best and letting their young ones find the courage to fall and get back up.  For bringing up a child or children to think forward, not backwards.  For each of you that helps build and teach your children to think on their own, to believe in themselves and promise a better tomorrow.  

Happy Father's day to each person who takes on the role of a parent.  

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Every day heros

I wonder what was going through his mind when they passed by.

While at the gym connected to our local foot ball stadium, I was putting away the equipment I had used, I looked to my left, towards the window.  Seeing a young boy alone, on his bike heading to the bike rack.  He propped it up and quickly tore off his helmut.  He stood in a spot for a moment until his feet and hands couldn't be still any longer.

A few football players came out of a door, in conversation, the young boy's body language spoke volumes without making a sound.  The players walked past him, unaware of his presence.  With 5 strides ahead in their walk, the young boy started to walk up to them, following.  Just before he reached them, he stopped and turned back.   

Another few came out, again unaware of this young boy full of energy and wanting to approach the next group.  They stopped, discussed something between themselves and proceeded.  10 steps ahead, this time the boy, almost running into them from behind.  He stopped just before he reached them.  Again, the group didn't notice.  He turned on his heals, the body language clear.  Arms and head hung down, feet slowing as he walked back towards his bike.

Watching this, every time he made an attempt to run up to the players, I cheered inside.  Every time he stopped, my heart saddened.  

Then it happened.  

This young boy, took off one last time running towards someone.  He ran into a man's arms.  They embraced for a moment and then was placed down by his bike.  It appeared they chatted for a moment before walking into the same building I was in.  My heart melted.   

What frustrates me is that I see this every day.  People, unaware of their surroundings.  I am confused by how much some are consumed by distractions, not actually living life.  If you just take a moment to look up and use your eyes, listen with your ears and feel with your heart.  You'll see some amazing things happen.

The best part is there was someone happy to see him and I'll bet he will be this young boys hero for years to come.  

Saturday 11 June 2016



"Be or go beyond the range or limits.  To surpass." 

I woke today with a smile.  My dreams were light and I felt rested.  Not just because I laid down and shut my eyes, rested my body or tuned out the world for a few hours but because I accepted the result of a choice while coming to peace with it.  

We cannot control many things that happen around us.  Forcing or using negative energy (anger, arrogance, hate, sadness or even jealousy)  Others actions or choices do not reflect on ourselves.  Although we see it that way.  Often, rejection is something we see on our part as a fault we carry.  

This couldn't be further from the truth as is the base of the ocean from the peak of Mount Everest.  

Take a moment, reflect on only yourself.  What you've done, who you have become and your own personal choices.  Were they ones you know were right, good and give you no weight?  Then you've done nothing wrong.  In fact, I would guess at times, the other person hasn't either.  

Life offers us opportunities to transcend our own actions or behaviours.  It is one of the gifts we take for granted and each moment, we forget to live it completely.  

Do not hate someone for their choice to walk away, love them more for their choice to love you for who you are.  See it as more than rejection, see it as freedom from something that perhaps was never to be.  

Transcend from the feelings of abandonment to the feeling of freedom.  

Your life is exactly that, YOUR life.  Those around you who cheer you on daily, even from afar are the ones who love you for the person you are and who you will become.  Don't be afraid of life, live it unconditionally and completely.  

Take away the negative feelings, the negative energy and embrace only the ones that make your heart warm, the ones that make you secure in knowing, you've transcended beyond anything you ever imagined.