Saturday 9 April 2016

Make it worth every moment

How to start laughing again?
Let stuff go.  
Really.  Stop thinking about the past, any hurts, angers or issues.  
Just stop.
Live in the moment.  Whoever you are with or will be next, laugh.  Look at them right in the eyes and ask them something that will toss them off their feet.  Really.  

Jump in the car and going for a random drive.  Outside your home town, city.. wherever.   Just go.  
Stop holding your breath and anticipating what may happen.  Just breathe.  
Stop having expectations.  
Nothing will ever be exactly as you picture it in your mind.  That's the beauty of not having expectations.  You'll start to let go and then .. WHAMMO, something amazing WILL happen. 
Learn something new.  
There are many opportunities out there to learn something new and I'll promise you, most are free.  

Are you aware that outside the door is this amazing place called earth that is covered with more kind people than hurtful, angry people?  
Stop worrying about what others think.
It may sound easier than it is but trust me when I tell you, stop worrying about what people think.  If you are happy with what you are doing, who you are then it doesn't matter.  
Volunteer, hit the public library, talk to a stranger, befriend your parents or grandparents, smile at a co-worker, walk by yourself, read a book, share your story, be yourself and most importantly, live life.  You only have one shot at it.  

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