Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Do it yourself

The finish line does not exist without some cheering.

There was no motivational speaker, no power song.  There was not a soul to tell you could do it.  

But you did.

I was at the gym a few weeks back.  After my swim, I noticed a young girl by herself.  She was walking slowly to her locker.  Head hung low.  I recalled how I saw the kids leaving from swimming lessons when I arrived in the pool.  I wondered if she was part of that group from almost an hour prior.  

"Were you in swimming lessons?" I asked.
"yes" she responded.
"Did you pass?" I asked
"No" She responded.  

I thought about this for a moment.  

"Can you keep your head above water?" I asked
"Yes" she responded
"When I was your age, I never took a lesson but I still come swimming.  I watched how people swim and learnt."
She looked at me and smiled.  

I told her, it's not always about getting the badge, it's about how we learn.  She carried on with a smile.  She's crossed her start line.  

I was there once, as you are now.  We all have to begin somewhere, we all have to start to believe in ourselves, to become our own motivation, our own song.   

Take a moment to write to yourself.  Goals and beliefs.  Tuck it away and start to work at it.  Do your goals at your pace, no one else's.  In time, when you've finally reached your goal, look back at what you wrote.  You'll see how far you've come and that you did it, yourself.

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