Sunday 24 January 2016

Your next 24 hours

For every moment within a 24 hour period we have a choice to do something more than we did the last 24 hours that have passed.  It's a choice that each moment I try my hardest to live by.  

When my eyes open, before I toss the sheets back each morning I take time for gratitude.  

With a big sigh, I am thankful for the sight I am able to use.  It's not just though my eyes though.  Some days, it's as simple as insight.  Doing my best to listen and understand another's thoughts.  Albeit I don't always, I won't dismiss someones reaction or choices.  Believing they don't make the person bad, simply unaware of how it has affected another.   Not thinking anything less, rather standing by my belief's and be aware of my choices.  

We can all help refuse anger by learning to let it pass.  Not to force an action but rather to accept it for what it is.  Know when to live with it, when to walk away and when to build from it.  Be grateful for every experience.

Whatever experience you are having right now, it has not come by to stay, it has come to pass.
Live life for this moment, the next 24 hours is yours to create.   

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