Wednesday 27 January 2016

Peaks and valleys

We all have them.  I'm calling it peaks and valleys but some would think it's more relatable to ups and downs.  

Call it what you want, it's simply life. 

Learning to ride a bike - Peak

Falling off - Valley

It's how you handle them that is important.  

Learning to ride a bike, flaunting it, showing it off and bragging or.. practicing to become better than you were yesterday, not competing with anyone else.
Falling from the bike, crying from the pain and giving up or.. picking yourself up, dusting the bits of rock off and getting back on.  
Growing up, school, family, relationships and work.  Each moment we enter into our lives we will no doubt have expectations.  It's how we handle them that truly define us.  Although we have them of ourselves, perhaps it's time to put those for others aside and let things work themselves out.  Sit back and watch things unravel.  Let someone expose themselves for who they truly are.  

These can contribute to your peaks and valleys.  What is important is to reflect on yourself, set your standards where you think you want them to be and take a step forward in life.  You'll find those peeks easier to get to up to, every time you fall you will know in your heart that you've done it before and you can do it again.  Make each peak a bit taller than the last.  When you are in a valley, remember those moments and hold tight.  

Even if two simple words said from another take you down, remember you own your life, no one else.  You are the master of your domain.  

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