Thursday 21 January 2016

The sum of things to be something

I've read that life's journey doesn't always go to the stronger or faster man, but it goes to the one who thinks he can.  

This holds true to almost every aspect in life.  We don't need to have someone tell us we can "do it" but we almost crave hearing it.  The push, the drive, the passion and the desire sometimes can be fed by others.  What picks at me is when we "think" we truly need someone to "complete" us.  Rather, knowing we can only push ourselves in the right direction.  

Perhaps I've hit a "full moon" moment where my stars have misaligned and my positive thoughts slipped through the crack or is it the simple truth that seeing what I don't want to see has slapped me in the face with a hard cold cloth?  

I have this idea that all people have the best of intentions, that their hearts are in the right place and if a mistake has been made, they would want to learn from it.  Some of us don't want to make a change and feel life is just fine the way it is for them, which is standing still.  

That being said, we can't control others actions.  We cannot lead a horse to water if they don't know they are thirsty.  

While we develop in life, go along in our journey we need to believe in ourselves, know our personal truth and not worry about what others think.  It's not about them, it's about you.  It's about how you can help make a difference by setting your personal example.  Ask yourselves these questions.

Be something for you.  Be the sum of things for your bottom line, when you reflect on it in years to come you will see the total results.  Be proud of being who you are on your own.  

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