Sunday 3 January 2016


Exposing yourself, opening up to others can give you the thought that you are becoming vulnerable, exposed and perhaps weak. 

I've just watched an amazing "Ted Talk" by Brene Brown regarding Vulnerability and Shame.  While doing so, I found myself nodding my head and laughing at times.  Mostly agreeing with what she had to say.  

We hold closest to us what we do not want others to see.  We feel that exposing ourselves is shameful and weak.  The truth is quite the opposite.  I don't want to take away from what Brene Brown tells you in this talk but I do want to emphasize what she is trying to say.  
"Vulnerability in not weakness, it is the most accurate measure of courage.  To be vulnerable is to be honest."
I cannot express to you that when you expose yourself, you become as human as the one next to you.  Showing not only your imperfections but building strength from them.  If there is something you dream of, go out there and do it.

Take a moment to watch this Ted Talk, I'll bet you do the same as I did.

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