Tuesday 19 January 2016

Be someone

Yesterday at the gym was a great experience.  I had to laugh at myself several times.  I started out with closed fists.  Walking with music playing in my ears.  I started with my usual, walk two laps then run 1, stretch out then repeat.  I went to run my first lap and all of a sudden, my shorts started to fall.  As in, while running I actually had to hold them up.  I made the lap and went to stretch.  I started to laugh and let go.  Then I saw the next amazing thing.  On my second go at my routine a couple, I would modestly guess were in their mid 80's were walking on the track.  Hand in hand.  My grin went further from one ear to another.  
They melted me a wee bit and I relaxed my hands.  I stopped looking over my shoulder and started to pay attention to what was ahead of me.  I completed my routine (6 times) then hit the elliptical.  I noticed it was easier and so I increased the "workout" from 3 to 6.  Still seemed a bit easy as I was looking at my phone, texting a bit and posting the photo of the couple holding hands.  I kept going and before I knew it, I was done.  I had to double check the time and intensity.  "wow".. I thought to myself I just did that?  When I started, I could only do 5 minutes at level 1.  huh... a slight surprise but a good one.  Then I went to change into my swim suit.  I've seemed to have lost my insecurities ... drop it all, without a second thought.  Mind you, the change room is full of different women.  There were 2 that made my smile better.  They didn't care either and in fact, all 3 of us chatted.  It was fantastic.  I forgot what I was doing and for that matter, why.  We laughed for a few minutes and I locked my items up, said bye and strolled into the pool area.  Normally, this would have given me a ton of anxiety but without hesitation, I walked up to the lanes and into the pool.  Picture it, I kept on walking into the water.  No pausing, just one step, two steps and whammo, up to my neck with the most relaxing part of the visit.  I don't actually know how to swim properly but I do what I think is a stroke.  I'm up to 20 laps now.  I started with 6.  I can't believe how far things have changed in 2 months. 

I didn't think this would turn into what I would deem a blog post but here it is, in the full glory something that was on my mind today.  

Life tosses us a bit.  We start off judging others, being insecure, doubtful and fearful.  At times, we gain perspective and focus.  It's the times when we need perspective and focus the most that we are tested to see what direction we go in.  If you are, don't doubt it... just keep on going in the direction you feel safest.  Kindness, love, compassion, forgiveness and empathy.  Open your head and heart, be someone you admire.  Be you.  

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