Saturday 9 January 2016

Believe, faith, passion and fear

"You will not take this down, I will not let you use me.  I will discipline what I need to get ahead, not for myself but for what I believe in."

Living life in fear can be the biggest controller.  We must live without comfort, as it it was your last day, live your life with passion, let control go.

Fear is the biggest contributor to our lack of success and starting at this very moment, you will stop accepting that doubt that whispers, walk away from it and let go.  

We all have our comfort zones that keep us living our lives.  Work and relationships, We believe it is part of life, to go to school, to work so we can pay bills, to grow old.  It doesn't have to be this way.  We can start today with a fresh thought that our lives start now, living for ourselves, creating a path not walked on yet.  

You have to believe in you, have faith and trust that the dots will connect.  Take a look back at how things have progressed in life so far and know that they are doing this at the very moment you breathe, the moment you step out and start something you desire 

Don't give up, don't give in.  There is always an answer to everything.  If that question exists, the answer must too.  Remember, it is better to fall forwards so you can see where you are going.  

Listen to your whisper.. you can do this.

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