Wednesday 16 December 2015

Watching change happen

At 5 years of age, I had no concept of fear, anger, mistrust.  

It was mid summer and I was playing on the side of the road, barefoot and looking for rocks.  We lived in the city a few blocks from a school, a playground and the mall.  

A stranger came up to me and asked me where my shoes were.  I told her that I only had 1 pair and they were to be used for Church, School or shopping.  I have a large family and we share clothing.  It didn't matter to me, I was clothed!  I was fed!  I had a roof and people who loved me.  Nothing else mattered.  

She stood there grinning at my response.  "Do you want to go to the mall with me?"  Without hesitation I jumped up and off we went.  It was only a few blocks away and I knew mum was inside busy so off I went.  

Londonderry mall, north Edmonton.  The Hudson's Bay.  I was really excited.  She took me to the shoe department.  Next thing I knew I was trying on different shoes, all colors and types.   

We walked back home.  I had 3 boxes with new shoes!  A red pair of dress shoes, sandals and runners.  I gave her the biggest hug a 5 year old could, said thank you and asked if I could go get my mum.  She said yes and I ran into the house.  Mum was stunned, upset that I left with a complete stranger.  By the time we came outside, she had left.  

I've not seen her since but that memory has stuck inside me and created change.  I started to become aware.  Not of what I wanted personally but how change can affect someone.  

Now, with the memory embedded in me I recall that memory with great fondness, faith and compassion.  I still don't need much, doing my best to live in the moment and paying it forward.  Family and friends are what I hold closest and I do my best to create change.  I watch it unfold in front of me.  Gratitude is my biggest emotion and I plan to watch change happen each and every single day.  

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