Friday 11 December 2015


Turn on the TV, Radio or flip the pages of your local paper and see what is being put out that is either good or bad for you.  One week it's the consumption of food (types of), screen time (TV, games, computer) sunlight, sleep, I could go on.  

Many of the things in our lives are actually great for us.  All in moderation that is.  This can apply to how you view life as well.  How we react and learn from situations.

You may have experienced a moment where it breaks you a bit, makes you sad or creates questions within you.  How did you react the last time this happened?  How could you have changed that reaction to learn from it?  

What if something happened that changed your outlook for the better?  Something that made your heart skip a beat and put that smile on your face?  What did you do to share your life experience? 

A lot of questions but truthfully, you need to look at each situation you are given daily and ask yourself some of those.  Balance out the why's.  Know that you are the only one that can control the direction of each event in your life.  How you react, what you do and say will create either a positive or negative result.  Learn to create the balance in your life. 

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