Saturday 19 December 2015

The Tree

Over the past few years, I've not only collected ornaments for our family tree, but given ones away as gifts.  They are usually small but have meaning to them.  Meaning that I hold close.  

Being from a large family, spread out across Canada we do not see each other often.  Not as much as I wish.  I'm not just talking about blood family, it's family I've made through the years.  The people who love you unconditionally, the ones you can bend an ear for, laugh with, cry with and create memories with.  

If someone were to ask me to draw a family tree, it would be a tad large.  As I grew up with such a diverse family already, I learnt to accept others as family.  Let me try to draw you a picture.

My grandparents.  Both sets from all over the world, not one born in Canada.  Immigrated here from somewhere across the pond.  I am proudly a 3rd generation Canadian.  Mum and Dad met after both of them had 2 boys each.  Now you can picture my 2 sets of grandparents, Mum and Dad, 4 brothers and I.  It's not over.  My older sister came in to the picture when I was around 5, (yes older, she joined us thankfully) and then my younger brother.  Now there are 7 siblings.  Big family makes for diversity.  I won't lie, there were times we didn't get along but those times, they made us stronger.  My brothers, sister and I have children so it's grown to a total number of 25.  

Through the years, with the assistance of the internet, I've gained family from Vancouver, BC to Moncton, NB, Canada, to other countries in this big world.  My extended family we've started to meet over 15 years ago.  I can't even count those numbers.  

Although my limbs grow in places I've not expected, my roots are stronger than anticipated.  My trunk filled with love and compassion, the leaves grow each year fuller, ready for the snow to fall.  Why?  Because each year, I place an ornament on a limb that reminds me of the love I've had in my life, the experiences granted and the faith I've gained.  

I suppose my message here is, never close your doors to possibilities of family.  Of someone willing to love you unconditionally.  To be honest with you, to share their life, no matter if it's completely or partially they will become part of your life line.  Part of your heart beat, part of your tree that grows and adapts unconditionally.  Family is not defined by blood or where you are.  

Remember, a strong tree requires sun shine, water and attention.  Nurture your tree, fill it with what makes you happiest and you'll see it grow more every year.  

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