Monday 21 December 2015

List all the things you love

Don't stop....


In yourself, others, forgiving, learning, wanting, breathing, living.  


To yourself, nature, your emotions, your thoughts,  your body.


Yourself, your intuition, your heart.

When you let these go, you let a part of you go.  You don't need to control everything in life but you need to keep moving forward with the simple fact that you need to put "you" first at times.  

I did a little experiment with some friends.  In an envelope, I put a quote, sealed it & wrote on the outside this;

List the things you love.  The envelope had a numeric list on the outside, 1 to 5

I handed it out to a few friends then walked away.  After a few minutes, I returned to see what they did.

Each person that filled this out did what I anticipated.  They put names of people, their pets or possessions.  Not one person put themselves on the list.  When they opened the envelope, they were tossed back a bit.  They were surprised with what was inside.  

It was interesting to see this perspective.  To see that most of us do not look inward, do not reflect on ourselves.  It's not a selfish act but quite the opposite.  Mum use to tell me that no one can truly love me until I love and accept myself.  She was bang on.  If I've stopped believing, listening and trusting myself I've not got it right.  

Stop what you are doing, head back to your mirror.  Look at you and know this.

You woke this morning.  You saw the sunrise.  You took a breath.  

You are strong, amazing, loving, kind and worth those words to say to yourself.  Live in the here and now.  Don't let the past control you, the future create fear and doubt.  Tomorrow has not happened yet and if you let both the past and the future control your thoughts, you will lose today, you will lose this moment.  

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