Saturday 5 December 2015

Listen to the whisper

I have a few friends who have taught me more than I can ever give them credit for.  Years ago, my good friend Rita lost her daughter Crystal.

The journey Rita and her daughter Crystal shared helped me to discover something within me.  A flame that couldn't be extinguished, a power of desire.  Until her daughters last breath, she stood strong, smiling bravely.   Crystal gave me the power of spark.  Although I've always tried to stay positive she showed me the flame can still be lit.  Rita and Crystal were my whisper that reminded me to live again.  Although I didn't feel I had stopped living, part of me was tucked away, hiding from the truth.  

Know this, sometimes a whisper from a friend by them sharing their story will help you discover the path you are on when you aren't aware of it.  

Share your story.  You don't know who you are going to inspire, your step back and your steps forward.  You aren't alone in your journey, others are on one that may be similar, ones that may need to hear your story, ones that may give you inspiration to march on.  

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