Sunday 6 December 2015

I believe

A better world exists.  Change can happen one ripple at a time.  Being positive is better than any antidepressant in the world.  Actions speak louder than words.  Kindness does happen.  Having faith in human kind is good.  Trusting your gut is the most important feeling to follow.  A smile is the most beautiful thing you can see.  Laughter is the best sound.  Walking barefoot in grass is comforting.  Watching the sun rise opens your mind.  Sharing your story creates empathy.  Knocking down mental walls creates strength.  Hearing birds sing in the morning brings joy.  Listening to a child read brings peace to your heart.  Trusting another teaches you forgiveness.  Sitting down and watching others gives you compassion.  Working with the earth is great therapy, planting a seed and seeing it become something is humbling.  A hug can heal most wounds, the tighter the better. Discovering who you are will make you happy.  Doing something for the first time is the most freeing feeling one will experience.  

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