Tuesday 1 December 2015

Creating change in yourself

I use to think that when I wanted to change it meant that I was weak.  I thought that if I took a different path it defined me as not strong enough to face the issues closest to me.

That is the furthest from the truth.  The truth is this.

If you see something outside what you know that may be better, something that is going to bring happiness, that is going to lead to something you've never known then why wouldn't you just try?  

Being afraid of the unknown is one of the most common fears we face.  Most of us think we can control what happens, where and when and the simple truth is we can't.  Seeing a path that leads to something other than what you know could lead to more than you've dreamt.  

Take a step, believe in yourself and let things go.  No amount of outside chatter, negative comments or disbelief will stop you if you desire that change enough.  Start with trying to see beyond the trees in the forest, look up in to the sky and see there is no limit to your happiness.  Change can be good.

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