Wednesday 23 December 2015

Crossing the start line

Like many things in life we create plans, build dreams and believe.  

Each of those have a start line and many of us are afraid of it, which is why we sometimes fail at crossing.  

Yesterday, I was spending time with a friend at the local gym and before we headed on the track I gave a small pep talk.  
"Remember, no matter what we feel about our bodies everyone started somewhere.  You are here now and willing to make a change for yourself, this is your start line."
We see a bigger picture of what we want in life, who we feel we should become or what can make us happy.  What we forget about are the steps it takes to get to that bigger picture.  To make a better life, we must start with ourselves and build from that foundation.  

A better job?  Return to school or go for training
Healthier body?  Eat right, exercise, breathe.
A stronger mind?  Read, listen and open up.
Better relationships?  Start with yourself.

This earth was not built nor did it evolve over night.  Our souls will change every moment of every day.  How your mind and heart deals with your past will help you deal with your next starting line and ultimately how you finish.

Like a painting, nothing in life can be complete until the last stroke has been taken.  

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