Tuesday 29 December 2015

Got a few

Good thoughts..

Why don't you share them?  

spare moments..

You can give those for free!

kind words..

Speak them.  Someone may need to hear a few.

All too often we take for granted what is right in front of us, within reach without costing a dime.  

If you've got a few, why not go ahead and use them.  You'll feel better.  I promise.  

In my own words, I speak this truth.  

"I'd rather do something kind than be spiteful, listen rather than speak.  I'd rather not fight and let you win, love you rather than hate.  There is already too much energy spent in this world trying to be hurting someone due to your own pain.  It's time to let go and let it be.  Live in the moment, embrace all that is good and right.  Mostly, if you need to walk away, know it's okay." 

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