Monday 28 December 2015

Realizing your superpower

When I was a young girl, Superman was my hero and the superpower he had that I wished for was, turning back time.  The ability to change an outcome.

So, I went along in life ... now, 43 years later, until recently I forgot about my desire to obtain this superpower.  Some may have called me "delusional" (oh, their opinion doesn't matter anyhow) but in my dreams, I fly.  I may not turn back time but I become free.  

About turning back time?  Nah, time given was a gift.  The days that passed.. I survived as we all do and I'll look back with great fondness.  

Flying among the stars, seeing the infinite, touching more than I could imagine is something that will happen by simply being who I am.  No amount of restraint will change the future, this I've come to know.  If it's to be, it will happen.  Dreaming about the superpower I wanted as a young girl is okay.  Dreams are what we are made of, passion is what fuels us.  Go ahead and realize your superpower by being simply who you are.  

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