Saturday 17 October 2015

Loving every minute of it

I saw change the other day and to be part of it gave me a sense of awe.  Here I am, keeping busy, trying to encourage others around me to do the same when all along, I was creating change without knowing it.  Right in my home.  

We all know, children learn what they live.  I for one, am a strong believer of this and saw it put to action.  

I love my boys dearly, my life comes after theirs.  There isn't a thing I would do before them, including telling them I love them with the last breath I will take.  

Here's what happened.  

Constantly, I see how women are disrespected and do my best to verbally fight that.  My opinion has changed over the years.  I use to believe that when a boy was mean to a girl, it was that he liked her.  This, being one example.  I saw a write up on a young girl this week about being hit in the face.  The nurse came in to do stitches and told her after finding out it was a young boy who did it, that "he must really like you."  I sat in my chair, hand over mouth, my thoughts running faster than words could spill out.  My younger son walked over and asked me what I was reading.  Of course, I encouraged him to take a moment to read.  

His reply?

"Mum, that is a joke!  Why would anyone think that physical violence proves to anyone that abuse is love?"  

He got it and I didn't do anything but expose him to something bigger.  Our conversation went on for about an hour.  I told him that some people feel different ways of showing love, some are good and some, not so good.  

I explained the differences in all types of abuse.  Physical (which we see), emotional (which we feel), verbal (which we hear) and financial.  We took the moment to discuss back and forth about how each one can be devastating to someone, how all types of abuse are wrong and what we can do to encourage a healthy relationship.  

Love isn't about taking but giving, encouraging and helping the other grow.  

After our conversation, I took a moment to reflect.  I had a moment to help make the change I want to see.  I loved every minute of it.   

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